Creative Space A Blog & Podcast!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

To the Creative Space Blog!

It’s here and also as a podcast on YouTube and Spotify.

I create my own dog gone Creative Spaces:). I’m too old to ask permission to be the way God has ordained me to be. And I refuse to write for free for other publications. LOL! I would rather share it here, where I create the rules as I go. Things may be Capitalized, bolded, and italicized as I see fit to emphasize them.

Remember, it’s My Creative Space!

Every Tuesday, I’ll be LIVE on YouTube in the Creative Space - Podcast. For better or worse, you’ll be able to see me:). Lawdy, I ain’t no glamour gal.

It’s also on Spotify and where Podcast can be found!

P.S. For 50 episodes, it was the podcast SHOUT:

Shine Yo Light

Have Hope


Use God’s Power &

Take Charge

I got it in, Bigmama! RIP.


Sip & Share for The Georgia Mae Project


Say Her Name!