What Am I Going To Write?!

As much as I’d like to reveal a master piece here today, there’s a lot going on and I can’t. But I can write about what I’m going to write when the tic, toc on the clock slows to a crawl, tic, toc, stop! When the sun sets in a blood red, orange sky, and the breezes from Santa Monica beach reach me in the San Fernando Valley, and the day darkens at 4 p.m., then I’ll write! Haha.

Mostly it’ll be about L-O-V-E, loving a Black man, because I’m an expert at that. I’m especially good at loving the tall, fine ones, who are 6’3 and taller:). That’s who God designated for me, and I, happily, accepted the call. So, I’ll allow my heart to bleed on the page with l-o-v-e.

I’ve loved four tall Black men — my hubby and three sons — to the end of the earth and back, so I’m going to write about the journey. I’m going to podcast about it, and SHOUT about it. I know that male toxicity starts at age 2, LOL, and I prevented a heap of it from being unleashed in the world.

“Stay calm, Black man:),” I always whispered. I love you, which should be enough.

I’m going to write about Walter Lee, a fictional character in my head. Walter Lee drives a Cadillac, always wears shiny shoes. He and Obama would have been good friends if I’d created him back then. He’s a principal, an educated Black man, with swagger and finesse, a man who is always in a suit and crispy white shirt and he smells so good! Teachers fall to their knees when he calls them to the office. LMBO. Ole, Walter Lee, I’m gonna have fun with you. He’s my Cup of Tea so maybe it’ll be an open fiction story here.

I’m going to write about you and how perfect you are! Enough said. Next,

I’m going to write about these times we’re in like Nina Simone said that I should. And Harry Belafonte preached the same thing. Go to my Instagram @memekellywriteselevatedstories and @onenightinlamovie and a clip of Nina is there. It’s also on my facebook page at @onenightinlamovie and memekellywrites

I’ll put up Harry Belafonte next week!

And, finally, I’m going to write about loving Georgia and Otis, and all the other babies that I get to love when I teach elementary school. I’m addicted to teaching, like I’m addicted to writing. I used to play teacher when I was a little girl, and I was always the teacher and the kids always had to put their head down and take a nap:). When I first walked into a classroom for Los Angeles Unified, I, literally, kneeled down and kissed the floor. I had on blue pants with suspenders and white crispy shirt and loafers, and it was my 33rd birthday. Boy, was I looking smart. A classroom is sacred ground.

Okay, that’s enough for day, GTG:)

P.S. Hold up, wait a minute, I’m back. I’m going to write about G-O-D. But for God, I would not be here, still in love with words. Thank you, God. I love you.


Be Anxious For Nothing…
