MeMe Kelly MeMe Kelly



I’m so happy to have a space where I can write from the heart. This is it! The act of writing and sharing are my blessings on this journey. I look forward to filling these pages with inspiring thoughts and hard truths from my heart! Until then, sending you a hug.


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MeMe Kelly MeMe Kelly

I’m Back

It all begins with an idea.

My creative juices are flowing, and it’s important in this season for me to share. So, I’m offering a Your Voice Matters Workshop on Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 3 to 5 p.m. PST.

And I’d love for you to get a copy of any of the e-Books.

Just contact me at and I’ll email it to you.

Also, the screening on February 18th of One Night in LA is going to be a virtual screening except for a select few who will join me for a private screening.

Stay Tuned

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