The Power of Love/ Color Blind World

I had a powerful prayer session this morning that left me feeling truly blessed. I'm not sure where to start, but I've decided to share my thoughts on the importance of love in our lives. I've been listening to "Say You Love Me" by Jamison Ross for weeks, and it has been a source of comfort for me during this time. Soul music and my bible keep me inspired!

The ultimate love scripture for me has been 1 Corinthians 13, which has kept me loving the same man for 46 years. This summer, we'll celebrate 41 years of marriage. Both of us are flawed, just like anyone else, but this scripture has always reminded me of the true essence of love. Whenever I felt I had an advantage over my husband due to his perceived shortcomings, God would bring me back to 1 Corinthians 13.

This scripture has taught me that love is patient and kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not proud, and it always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Love never fails, and it is the greatest of all virtues. We must remember to check ourselves and our actions before judging others. In addition to my thoughts on love and marriage, I'll also write about my love for Black people on my way to the Essence Festival. Despite facing hardships, we continue to create and spread light, love, music, dance, art, intellect, and culture. Essence loves us, and I love us too! But, ultimately, my prayer is for a color-blind world, where my grandchildren won't be judged for their race and where my sons won't be judged for falling in love with women of a different race.

I hope you enjoyed this Cup of Tea with Me.




When You’re Not Sure!